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MSU Broad Art Museum prioritizes inclusion and equity in 2021 acquisitions
MSU Broad Art Museum prioritizes inclusion and equity in 2021 acquisitions

"The Broadcast" video project acquired by Broad Museum of Art MSU
"The Broadcast" video project acquired by Broad Museum of Art MSU.

60 WRD/MIN ART CRITIC Review: The Broadcast
The Broadcast proposes that the youth of this country have voices that badly need to be heard amidst the noise and chaos of our media landsc

Watch the recording of the MCA Virtual Studio Visit: in conversation with Kirsten Leenaars
Chicago artist Kirsten Leenaars uses collaborative techniques to create artworks that investigate our media landscape and encourage critical

Museum of Contemporary Art Virtual Studio Visit: Kirsten Leenaars Tue, May 12, 2020, noon –12:30 pm
Join Leenaars to as she discusses her artistic practice and the latest evolution in her video-based work The Broadcast in conversation with
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